Dearly Devoted Dexter by Jeff Lindsay

Dearly Devoted Dexter (Dexter, #2)

by Jeff Lindsay

Miami's best-dressed serial killer is back and on the prowl - at least he would be if he could shake off his permanent shadow. Ever since their paths first crossed, Sergeant Doakes hasn't let Dexter Morgan out of his sight. Dexter may well be the Miami PD's blood-spatter analyst, but Sgt. Doakes has a pretty good idea of how Dex likes to spend his free time and he's determined to catch him in the act. Dex hasn't killed in months and is getting twitchy. To throw Doakes off his scent, he's spending more time with Rita, his girlfriend. But...Read more

Reviewed by empressbrooke on

3 of 5 stars

As I'd expected to, I quickly devoured the second Dexter novel today while enjoying the long-missed sunshine on my back porch. I'm not quite as delighted with it as I was with book #1. I still laughed a lot, but the narration wasn't quite as whimsical and delightful as before.

However, I'm feeling something I didn't before - interest in where the plot's going. I really liked the surprise surrounding Cody, which is definitely a different angle than the show took. I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing how Dexter handles this. I'm disappointed that there wasn't much said by Deborah regarding her revelation about her brother from book #1, and I'm really hoping that it gets more attention in book #3. This is ripe for exploring, and I'm finding myself hoping the show goes this way, as well.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 April, 2009: Finished reading
  • 18 April, 2009: Reviewed