Reviewed by Kim Deister on

4 of 5 stars

This book was engrossing from the very beginning, with a great plot and great characters. It was a fantastic take on the "good vs. evil" battle, with neither side being entirely good nor entirely evil. That made all of the characters that much more believable, despite their obvious paranormal backgrounds. I also liked that the story didn't just center on Nathanael and Saydi the entire book, but included the other characters with true stories of their own. The story line between Nathanael and his mom was one of my favorites, full of raw emotion and angst. The struggles between Saydi and her three best friends were ever changing and their involvement with Nathanael's brothers added a lot to the story.

Things to love about Soul Control...

-The "good vs. evil" take. The battle between good and evil is a standard in a lot of paranormal fantasy, but this was a completely different take on it. The Tov's and the Pyres, with lots of history/mythology included to make the entire concept seem plausible.

-Saydi's parents. I liked that they, too, had a happy ending!

-Nathanael's struggles within himself. The struggles between his love for Saydi and his Pyre side was fascinating and kept me wondering from page to page.

Things I wanted more of...

-Job and Joshua. It is the only part of the book that bothered me. The story ended and somewhere between the end of it and the epilogue, Job and Joshua had lost their Pyre tendencies and were embracing their human sides. I would have loved to know just how that happened.

-The Magisters. They were an eclectic group that we really didn't learn much about, aside from Mora.

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  • Started reading
  • 30 January, 2013: Finished reading
  • 30 January, 2013: Reviewed