Hope's Journey by Stephanie Connelley Worlton

Hope's Journey

by Stephanie Connelley Worlton

The seemingly perfect worlds of Sydney and Alex, high school sweethearts on the brink of graduation, come crashing down around them when they learn that Sydney is pregnant. They face separate journeys of self-discovery and loneliness as they try to rebuild their individual lives and shattered dreams.

Reviewed by sstaley on

4 of 5 stars

Hope's Journey starts out like any other book of high school seniors living their lives. I liked the group of friends that hang out and appear to know each other very well. Main characters, Syd and Alex, (both active members of the LDS church) are not only best friends, but also boyfriend and girlfriend. Many of the challenges that young people face are intertwined in this story of young love. The issue of morality plays strong in this story. This novel shows that ALL kids, religious or not are tempted when it comes to premarital sex. On the front cover are these words:
"A life changing mistake. A soul-changing journey"

From the back cover we already know that Syd becomes pregnant. This novel explores the heart-ache and trials, that come to both teens, as they decide what to do concerning the baby. I knew ahead of time that this book would bring up many emotions in me. I was adopted as a baby, and my birth mom was only sixteen years old. I have always been so grateful for the gift of life that she gave to me. I have also been happy that she chose adoption because I love my family so much! I also am the Mother of an adopted child. Her birth mom was also a teenager. I know of the struggles teens go through, as they try to decide what happens after they find out they are pregnant. I want to say here, there is no wrong or right answer. All birth parents have to make the choice that is best for them and their baby. I know with God's help they can make the right choice. This is the overall message in the book, along with the blessing of forgiveness that all people can accept and seek after.

Some of the reactions of ward and family members, towards Syd and her unplanned pregnancy, can be shocking to the reader, especially the actions of Alex's mother. Sadly, I have seen behaviors just like this with people. I hope that all readers will realize that we all sin and need to be careful not to judge others. Some reviewers have said they were troubled by the ending of this book. There is a kind of twist in the last chapter that you don't see coming. I was also surprised, but not troubled. I am also wondering if there will be a 2nd book in this series. I would love to have all of the relationships explored more.

Hope's Journey is a book that I would happily share with any teenager within my circle of friends and family. The message of hope and forgiveness is something that all of us need to be reminded of.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 April, 2012: Finished reading
  • 9 April, 2012: Reviewed