Reviewed by Angie on

1 of 5 stars

I had high hopes for Zoey Rogue in the beginning, since it jumps right into the action! Some Cambion (evil sex demons) are chasing a girl, but our heroine, Zoey swoops in saves the day, since she's a Hunter. It was an unauthorized mission, so we immediately learn that Zoey has no problem breaking the rules in order to do what's right. I liked that. Unfortunately, from there it all went downhill. The more I learned about sex demon society, the more confused I became. The romance also didn't hold my interest, because it was based on information that I just didn't follow.

I'm all for forbidden romances and enemies-to-lovers, but the problem with Zoey Rogue is that Zoey and Declan aren't the exception to the rule. They are soul-mates (like, literally sharing a soul), but so are other Succubatti and Incubatti. The two species actually need each other just to continue the race. So why are they forbidden from sleeping together, when fate has created literal soul-mates, and when they would go extinct otherwise? It makes zero sense. Of course, there's the possibility that the higher-ups are lying to keep their hunters and enforcers in line, but anyone living in this world should have the same questions I do. If they don't, that's a gross oversight.

I also have to even wonder how these different races even create more of themselves. It is explained that a human or Halfling and an Incubus produces a Cambion. But Halflings are supposedly created in a lab, although it would make more sense for a Succubus and a human or Cambion would make one, right? And how do you get more Incubae and Succubae? I would imagine by them mating together, but it's also said that an Incubus only has Incubus offspring, so I am just majorly confused.

A good portion of Zoey Rogue's plot is based around the Sucubatti fighting the Cambions. The Cambions are horrible creatures that rape and murder young women to collect their sex energy. Of course, being young women, the Sucubatti fight against them. However, the Incubatti appear to be indifferent toward their hellish offspring. Some of them know what they're doing is wrong, and yet they keep creating more and getting pissed when a Sucubatti hunter takes them out. It seems like a lot of their problems would be solved if both groups tried to get the Cambions under control, instead of one taking an active stance, while the other just shrugs and looks the other way.

Another issue I had with this Incubatti/Sucubatti sworn enemies thing, is that the Halflings have Incubus guardians. These Incubae watch out for the girls and help keep their magic in check without having sex with them, since of course, it's forbidden, although for other reasons than with a regular Incubus. If they're such deep rooted enemies, why are they so close? Zoey's guardian, Alexander, is like a father to her! A war is mentioned several times, so why in the world are the two species living together and protecting one another instead of fighting?

In addition to the confusing basis of the world, Zoey Rogue also suffers from repetitive statements, unexplained terms, and other contradictions. Nearly every time another Succubus or Halfling is in the scene, we're reminded that they're nearly six feet tall and beyond gorgeous. Also that Zoey is not. I think we get the picture: Succubae are like seductive supermodels, and Zoey is like their normal, but still hot, friend. Zoey's height also changes. Sometimes she's nearly five and a half feet tall, other times she's barely five feet tall. That's a good six inch difference, so which is it? I'm also still confused on the difference between "sex energy" and "sex magic." Both terms are used about 100 times each, but I just don't get it. I'm guessing sex energy fuels sex magic, which in turn allows them to absorb more energy and use more magic? I don't know. Maybe the terms are interchangeable.

Speaking of sex magic/energy, how it works made no sense either, no matter which term is used. Apparently no Halflings make it past age twenty-two because they get overloaded on their magic and die. They have no outlet for the magic/energy, since they're not allowed to have sex with Incubae which is the only way to get it fully under control. Sure they have their guardians to help, and Zoey had her human boyfriend, but neither is a full solution. This just made the whole forbidden contact thing even more dumb, since it's killing them! Although, I suspect there's something the Succubae aren't telling them in regards to this.

With all of this messy world building, I just could not bring myself to care about anything that occurred in Zoey Rogue. My mind was too preoccupied trying to make sense of everything, and it simply couldn't. Also, the sex scenes weren't sexy at all. They felt like clinical like, "He put his penis in her anus." Not sexy.

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  • 28 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 28 October, 2014: Reviewed