Reviewed by phyllish on

5 of 5 stars

Futuristic yet familiar

My rating is 4.5 stars

While I'm not not a fan of Sci-Fi, it isn't my go-to genre. Yet, when given the opportunity to read Volition, of course, I accepted. It's by Chautona Havig and I have read so many of the different genres written by her. And enjoyed them all.

As with most of her books, the story is much more about the people than the time or place and yet she established those plot elements well. Andi finds herself almost one hundred fifty years in the future - against her will. Yet when she chooses to stay - I won't tell you why - her attitude against this society who had no problem plucking women from other times to "rescue" them from death so they can marry men in the future is abominable. She wept, she railed. Mostly against her husband/sponsor, James.

Though Andi was a Christian and had spent significant time in fellowship with other believers, when she found herself in this foreign time with no other Christians around, she discovered that her faith was weak and she needed to spend more time in the Bible to strengthen it. She also saw how repulsive her attitude was and sought to change it. Her initial attempt was rather a mess!

One quite ironic aspect of Andi's attitude and behavior was James. He was seriously one of the nicest guys. Ever. As she saw, he was more Christ-like in his behavior than she was, and he was not a believer! Yet she took out her frustrations on him, over and over. Of course, James' problem with accepting Christ's sacrifice and his need for salvation was just that. He was such a "good" person he couldn't see his need.

The differences in this world were not what I often suspect. Then again, when I was in second grade, I thought by this time we would have flying cars! Some of the technology was pretty cool. I loved that the "Slates" were virtually unbreakable. This very eco-conscious society was interesting and made sense. The government, though. Yikes!

If you enjoy Christian fiction that focuses on heart attitudes and changed lives, don't worry about whether or not you like Science Fiction. I suggest you give Volition a try of your own free will. ;-)

Read my full review at Among the Reads

I was given a copy of this book. I was not required to give a favorable review nor was any money received for this review. All comments and opinions are my own.

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  • 13 February, 2020: Reviewed