Hope by Theresa M Jones

Hope (The Descendant Trilogy, #2)

by Theresa M Jones

Allison now understands who she is and where she comes from, but will it be enough to save the world? She went through a dangerous journey, dragging her young daughter along for the ride, in an attempt to stop the evil Rising Leader, Damien, from opening the Seven Seals and bringing about the Apocalypse.

But she hasn’t succeeded yet. The Rising still thrives and Lilith has made it her mission to open the remaining Seals so that she and her minions can rule the Earth.

David and Allison hope that love can conquer all, but in reality, love is never enough. Will they, along with the rest of the gang back at the Compound, be able to stop the Rising?

And where is The Descendant that is prophesied to save them all?

The much anticipated SECOND BOOK in The Descendant Trilogy will leave you breathless and wanting more!

*NOTE* This book does have profanity and sensual situations. Intended for audiences 16+ in age

Reviewed by stressedrach on

4 of 5 stars

Hope is the second book in the Descendant Trilogy and it carried on from where the first book in the series ended. Starting off with Allison and David totally in love and about to get married everything is going really well, Samantha’s powers were about to kick in too but the fight to save the world is not over yet. Lilith who is now leader of The Rising wants Allison to pay for her crimes against them.

A lot of the book was taken up by the relationship of David and Allison.I think there could have been a great deal more action in Hope. I think the book could have focused more on the impending apocalypse rather than the soppy stuff.

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  • 3 May, 2013: Finished reading
  • 3 May, 2013: Reviewed