It's Got to be Perfect by Haley Hill

It's Got to be Perfect

by Haley Hill

Number One Amazon Best Seller in Biographical Fiction! When Ellie Rigby hurls her three-carat engagement ring into the gutter, she is certain of only one thing, that she has yet to know true love. Following months of disastrous internet dates and conflicting advice from her dysfunctional friends, she decides to take matters into her own hands. Although now, instead of just looking for a man for herself, she's certain her life's purpose is to find deep and meaningful love for all of the singles in the world. Five years on, running the UK's biggest matchmaking agency, and with hundreds...Read more

Reviewed by Emma (SCR) on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I received this book for free for a Blog Tour in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.I loved Ellie. from the very first page I thought this is a girl I could be friends with. With the opening chapter consisting of a wedding fair followed by Ellie throwing her engagement ring in the gutter I knew I was in for some drama. I absolutely loved Ellie's idea of starting a matchmaking service. I loved hearing her thoughts on who would be a good match for who and how they were getting on.

The book is in two parts the second part is 5 years after the first. It took me a few pages to realise this as there was no indication. I felt like a whole chunk of Ellie's life flew by and we missed it. I was saddened by this as it would have been nice to see how her life had changed over these 5 years.

Mandi and Mia Ellie's matchmaking assistants were great. Complete polar opposites, but this made it work. Both crashing against each other to meet somewhere in the middle.

Nick...hmmm what can I say about Nick. He's hot and very determined but other than that I'm not sure. I do not feel like I know him well enough.

This was a great read. It was funny, romantic and addictive, however it would be great to have another book about the 5 years that were skipped. This is an example of chicklit at it's best.

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  • Started reading
  • 20 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 20 October, 2013: Reviewed