Men at Arms by Terry Pratchett

Men at Arms (City Watch, #2) (Discworld, #15)

by Terry Pratchett

The City Watch needs men, but what it has is a dwarf, a troll, a woman and Captain Nobbs (disqualified from the human race). There's evil in the air and murder afoot and something very nasty in the streets, so they need all the help they can get, especially when Captain Vimes is retiring.

Reviewed by Whitney @ First Impressions Reviews on

4 of 5 stars

I'm going to be honest, I hated Guards! Guards!  It was disjointed, the characters were undeveloped and this branch of Fantasy is not my jam.  If it had not been for my boyfriend, who loves this series, Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels would be gone from my shelf like Mary Jo and the car.

Yet due to his persistence, I gave Men at Arms, the second novel in the series a try.  I enjoyed Men at Arms more than its predecessor so I'm glad I didn't give up.  I love Carrot, his naivety and big heart is endearing and sometimes comical, however he definitely knows more than he lets on.  I also found the writing to be better formed and had a smoother storyline.  Unfortunately, I didn't bookmark but there are some great lines in Men at Arms which has a unique blend of humor interspersed between dragons, which I found amusing.

Will I read the next book in the series? I've been on the same page for over a year now so probably not. However, I'm glad I gave the Discworld series another try because I do think they will get better as the series progresses I just don't think the plot line is right for me.

This review was originally posted on First Impressions Reviews

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  • 27 October, 2018: Reviewed
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  • 27 October, 2018: Reviewed