The Three of Us by Cathy Woodman

The Three of Us

by Cathy Woodman

The Three of Us is an exclusive short story introducing Zara, the village midwife whose story you can read in Follow Me Home, and bringing us up to date with what's happened to Tessa and Jack from The Village Vet

Tessa and Jack live at the animal sanctuary in Talyton St George. They had been friends for years, but it wasn't until Jack interrupted Tessa's wedding that she discovered his feelings for her were stronger than she ever knew.

Now, a year on, they could not be happier. And when Tessa discovers she's pregnant, it's as if all their dreams have come true.

But a scan shows that there are complications, and suddenly Tessa realises that Jack has always had doubts about having a baby. Supported throughout by Zara, the village midwife, Tessa and Jack have some tough decisions to make.

However, as the baby's birth draws closer, Tessa and Jack grow further apart. Will he feel differently when the baby is born? Or will having her wonderful child mean losing the man of her dreams?

Reviewed by Leah on

3 of 5 stars

Every time I write a review for a Talyton St George novel I say the same thing – how much I enjoy the series! It’s just such a delightful series and I’ve yet to not enjoy one of the books in the series! I’ve read 6 of the 8 (with the 8th out really soon and the 7th sitting happily on my Kindle, waiting for me to finish all my review books as they’re currently stacking up at an alarming rate) so when I spotted The Three of Us on Netgalley, I, of course, requested it immediately and was super chuffed to be accepted and I couldn’t wait to dive in!

The Three of Us is a 30-40 minute novella, that has the dual purpose of introducing us to Zara the midwife, from the forthcoming Follow Me Home (YAY!) and also catches us up with Tessa and Jack from The Village Vet (although I initially mis-read and thought it was the characters from Vets In Love, which I devoured earlier this week in preparation for their sequel – OOPS). I initially couldn’t remember Tessa and Jack – it’s really hard to keep all your books and characters in a line when you read so many, but after a few pages and after I realised which book they were originally in I remember who they were, and I remembered how much I had liked them when we met them first time around! Tessa and Jack are two of my favourite Talyton characters so it was so lovely to be back with them, even if it wasn’t for the best of reasons – they’re pregnant, and deliriously happy, until they go for a scan and they’re told something’s wrong with the baby – do they stick with the pregnancy & hope for the best or do they do something about it?

I really enjoyed The Three of Us, it’s a very sweet little novella and I raced through it. I was quite disappointed with the fighting Tessa and Jack do over the baby – I want to see them happy! In love! Not with their marriage crumbling, but I knew that a Talyton novel probably wasn’t going to end in divorce, so I was pretty safe carrying on reading! I enjoyed the little glimpse into Zara, too, and I’m quite excited to dive into her proper story in Follow Me Home. It’s a very good little filler novel, and it was very nice to be back with Tessa, Jack and all of the animals.

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  • Started reading
  • 26 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 26 March, 2014: Reviewed