The Baron Next Door by Erin Knightley

The Baron Next Door (Prelude to a Kiss)

by Erin Knightley

Charity Effington learned two valuable lessons from her first betrothal:
1) When one loses the attention of an earl, one gains the attention of every gossip in London.
2) Despite the lingering scandal, she’s not prepared to marry for anything less than love.
After an exhausting Season, Bath’s first annual music festival offers Charity the perfect escape. Between her newly formed trio and her music-loving grandmother, Charity is free to play the pianoforte to her heart’s content. That is, until their insufferably rude, though undeniably handsome, neighbor tells her to keep the “infernal racket” to a minimum.
Hugh Danby, Baron Cadgwith, may think he’s put an end to the noise, but he has no idea what he’s begun. Though the waters of Bath provide relief from the suffering of his war injuries, he finds his new neighbor bothersome, vexing, and…inexplicably enchanting. Before long, Hugh suspects that even if his body heals, it’s his heart that might end up broken.

Reviewed by Amanda on

4 of 5 stars

Not even the lack of sexy times can make me stop reading these books. I do love me a good love story. (But the lack of sexy times does make the kiss-anticipation that much sweeter. So, so sweet.)

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  • 21 July, 2014: Finished reading
  • 21 July, 2014: Reviewed