Lord Savage by M Gabriel

Lord Savage

by M Gabriel

I'd never felt so vulnerable, at once both lost and found, as I now did sprawled across Savage in this foolish throne-chair. His strength was my solace, my comfort, and there was nothing better than hearing the beating of his heart beneath my ear. Once trapped in a loveless, pleasure-less marriage, Evelyn Hard leaves her home in New York for the glittering ballrooms of London. However, when she arrives she meets the Earl of Savage, a dark, powerful man who seems to live up to his name, despite his noble trappings, a man who possesses her with just one look. Soon Evelyn finds herself pulled into Savage's world - a world of passion unlike any she has ever experienced. Evelyn's heart is captured with no hope of escape. But can they overcome the tortures of the past together...? Savage never imagined someone like Evelyn walking into his life. As soon as he sees her he knows he must have her, no matter the cost.

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 Cocktails

Erotic and historical, not usually two things that mix well. Ms. Savage does an interesting job with this story. Mrs. Evelyn Hart is a widow, so it’s perfectly acceptable for her to attend balls, and attempt to live a little after her arranged marriage. She attends balls hoping to find something exciting, she finds that when she spies Lord Savage in the garden. She is invited to a week long party in the country. There begins her sexual awakening.

This is a story with BDSM elements, she’s paired with the very man she spied upon, Lord Savage has his Innocent, or sub to his Dom. He’s dark and brooding, gives her more pleasure than she’s ever known. He only seems to want her for the week, while Evelyn seems to be yearning for a closeness that just isn’t there.

There are a lot of convoluted parts where rules come into play, rules that only seemed to exist when convenient to the story. I did find myself enjoying the story, and I may even pick up the rest of the trilogy at some point. It did have a great blend of the repressed Victorian with the out there sexuality of BDSM, and I did find myself intrigued by the contrast.

Reviewed by Sheri for Cocktails and Books

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  • 10 September, 2014: Reviewed