Reviewed by Rowena on

5 of 5 stars

Noah and Kit’s book…squee!

It feels like I’ve been waiting forever for this book but that can’t be the case because I just read Rock Hard earlier this year. Noah and Kit have been circling each other since Book 1 so it was good to finally get their story. They have history together and I was pretty anxious to find out what that history included.

Noah has secrets that he’s never told anyone before. These secrets have shaped the person that he thinks himself to be but it also shaped the way he lives his life. He doesn’t let himself get close to anyone and he parties too hard and sleeps hardly at all. This lifestyle was bound to catch up with him sooner or later and this book starts off with Noah’s life slowly unraveling.

Kit has been deeply hurt by the one guy that has made her feel more than she’s ever felt. Growing up with nannies instead of a family, Kit has learned early on that expectations lead to being hurt so she tries not to have any expectations for anyone, including her absent parents. When she decides that she wants to become a serious actress, she works really hard to become one. She worked several jobs to pay her bills while she pursued her dream of becoming an actress. It was while she was working at a diner that she met the boys of Schoolboy Choir. They were still trying to make a name for themselves so they all connected with each other and have been friends ever since.

Kit was closest to Noah. They struck up a friendship that just kept growing and growing until Kit was head over heels in love. She wanted everything with Noah and thought Noah felt the same way, only to find out in the most hurtful way that he did not. Kit has tried moving on but her heart hasn’t been in it. She still close with all of the members of the band though and so she still has to see Noah. When the band breaks after tour to go and do their own thing, Kit receives a call that has her running to be there for the one man that she should be keeping her distance from but Noah needs her and she can’t turn him away.

Seeing these two find their way back to each other and seeing them work through their issues first a part and then together made for such an emotional and yet thrilling read. This book was a lot darker than the other books but it was just as great. Nalini Singh shines at writing steamy romances with well rounded characters. Noah’s story broke my heart but I was so glad that Kit’s love helped him come to peace with his past.

It would have been nice to meet and see Noah’s sister get some page time. She was important to Noah so I would have liked to have ‘met’ her and see her interact with Noah and even Kit.

Overall, this book was good. It’s a solid story with a romance that broke my emotions down before building them right back up. Noah was a great hero (even when he was driving me crazy) and Kit was a solid heroine. I loved them both and was happy with their story. Now I can’t wait for Abe’s book. Dear Nalini Singh, please hurry! :)

Grade: 4.5 out of 5

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  • Started reading
  • 16 September, 2015: Finished reading
  • 16 September, 2015: Reviewed