Aether Spirit by Cecilia Dominic

Aether Spirit (Aether Psychics, #3)

by Cecilia Dominic

Forgetting her is impossible. Remembering him could kill her.

Left with partial amnesia after a steamcart accident, Claire McPhee tried lengthy treatment for the mental and emotional trauma. Now armed with her own training and medical degree, she helps others with combat-related neuroses hoping, she’ll someday—somehow—fill in her own blanks. Particularly the elusive memory of a man she once loved.

Something about the new medical chief triggers her painful, hypnosis-induced blocks, but he keeps pushing her away before she can shove through the barriers to determine why.

Chadwick Radcliffe has faced many challenges since assuming the position of medical chief at Fort Daniels, but facing his former love—and the knowledge that her memory of him could be deadly—pains him the most. While he’s had some preliminary success using the Eros Element, he’s all too aware its unintended effects could harm as much as heal.

With the Union on the cusp of caving in to the Confederacy’s demands, time becomes a precious commodity. Ghosts rise. The Element takes on a new, unpredictable aspect. And resurrected love could give Claire and Chadwick unexpected strength—if they have the courage to break the chains welded around them to seize it.

Aether Spirit is the third book in the Aether Psychics, a thrilling steampunk series with puzzling mysteries and elements of romance, and can be read as a standalone novel. If you like historical mysteries, sweet romance, and clever heroines, then you'll love Cecilia Dominic's Aether Psychics series.

Reviewed by Terri M. LeBlanc on

3 of 5 stars

My heart goes out to Chadwick Radcliffe, the main character in the third book in Aether Psychics series. Clearly this man has been through a lot. He was introduced in book one of the series and in book two his character developed a bit. The reader got to understand that he was a caring doctor, not out for money, but out to truly help people. This proved helpful in book 2 as he was able to procure some necessary items that were hard to come by during the siege of Paris. Chadwick’s tale of heartbreak struck a cord with this romantic.

Book three in Aether Psychics series is more on the romantic side of things than the other two books in the series with a dash of medical science thrown in for good measure. I loved the dance of Chad and Claire, our two separated lovers, thrown forcibly together due to circumstances beyond their control. Intellectual equals, Chad approaches the problem with mind of a scientist. Trying to remove himself from Claire’s life lest he cause further damage. Claire approaches the situation with the mind of a psychiatrist, trying to find the cause of her memory loss and determine why Chad and his friend, Patrick, feel so familiar to her.

There’s a bit of excitement as the story takes place in America during the Civil War and the setting of the story is a field hospital and treats soldiers from both sides of the front. This leads to an interesting side story that does involve the little understood discovery from the previous books and another haunting love story. However, this story is really about Chad and Claire and not the discovery. After three books I’ve given up on learning more about the discovery from the previous book that has been the thread that links the three books and novella together. I’m disappointed there wasn’t more development there, but I need to cut my losses and focus on the characters who I have truly grown to love.

This is another strong entry in the Aether Psychics series. There is further character development and we learn more about Chad and Patrick’s reason for being in Europe in book one. And we learn more about Claire, another intelligent, educated woman who can stand her ground. I can’t wait to have Iris, Marie and Claire in one room together. I believe they will be a force to be reckoned with and I’m not sure Edward, Johann and Chad will be able to cope. Can’t wait to see what happens next in the Aether Psychics series!

This review was originally posted on Second Run Reviews

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  • Started reading
  • 28 April, 2016: Finished reading
  • 28 April, 2016: Reviewed