I'll Be the One by Lyla Lee

I'll Be the One

by Lyla Lee

The world of K-Pop has never met a star like this. Debut author Lyla Lee delivers a deliciously fun, thoughtful rom-com celebrating confidence and body positivity—perfect for fans of Jenny Han and Julie Murphy.

Skye Shin has heard it all. Fat girls shouldn’t dance. Wear bright colors. Shouldn’t call attention to themselves. But Skye dreams of joining the glittering world of K-Pop, and to do that, she’s about to break all the rules that society, the media, and even her own mother, have set for girls like her.

She’ll challenge thousands of other performers in an internationally televised competition...

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Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

+Plus size Korean bisexual! Yes! Her love interest is also bisexual! And she befriends some lesbians!
+It hurts how relatable Skye's relationship with her mom is. I totally had all of these moments with my own mom. We are more than our bodies and our looks!
+Friendship! Skye immediately befriends Lana even though they're competing against each other. There is ZERO cattiness! Just love and support and fun!
+The drama of reality television!
+Super adorable romance. It's very sweet.

-Very repetitive at times. Particularly at the beginning.

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  • Started reading
  • 22 June, 2020: Finished reading
  • 22 June, 2020: Reviewed