When Life Gives You Demons by Jennifer Honeybourn

When Life Gives You Demons

by Jennifer Honeybourn

Shelby Black has spent the past six months training to be an exorcist. Her great-uncle Roy - a Catholic priest - has put her through exorcist boot camp hell, hoping to develop her talent, but ohmygod, he still doesn’t trust her to do an exorcism on her own.

High school is hard enough without having to explain that you fight demons for a living, so Shelby keeps her extracurricular activity to herself. The last thing she wants is for her crush, Spencer, to find out what she does in her off time.

But Shelby knows how to keep a secret - even a big one. Like the fact that her mum left under mysterious circumstances and it’s all her fault. Shelby is hellbent on finding her mum, no matter what it costs her - even if what it ends up costing her is her soul AND a relationship with Spencer.

Reviewed by zooloo1983 on

4 of 5 stars

So this book was cute and I really loved the book cover too. If this was not a YA book, I think some of the scenes during the exorcism could have been damn right frightening, but because this was a YA the content had been reduced down to not cause too much of a scare. 

I liked Shelby, she is very endearing, and she is a trainee exorcist whose mother has gone away to a secret training camp in Italy....so we are told. Shelby has to struggle with the day to day high school life of pop quizzes and dramas, whilst training with her Uncle Roy in a boot camp, which she hates.

She is tutored by Spencer as she is falling behind on her classwork, and he has his own secrets and an attraction between the two is formed.

Going to a Catholic school, she can not say anything to anyone about her double life, including her best friend Vanessa for the fear of being a pariah. I found that interesting because she is trying to stop the evil spirits not help them, but then this is high school and anything that is a little bit different is picked upon. 

I did enjoy the book, however, I thought that some parts of the book had been rushed, and when it came to the big bad it was all over in a couple of sentences. There was not much of a build-up and it was over too quickly for my liking. I wanted more backstory about the big bad and questions to be answered.

I feel like this could be made into a book series so we could learn more about the family and the demons that they are hunting and build on the foundations set in this book. Fingers crossed....

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  • 15 July, 2018: Finished reading
  • 15 July, 2018: Reviewed