The Many Sins Of Cris De Feaux by Louise Allen

The Many Sins Of Cris De Feaux (Lords of Disgrace, #3)

by Louise Allen

Secrets, sins, and an affair to remember!
Crispin de Feaux, Marquess of Avenmore, has always done his duty, and he knows the time has come to find a suitable wife. But when the intrepid Tamsyn Perowne saves his life off the Devonshire coast Cris is unable to tear himself away... The widow of a notorious smuggler, Tamsyn would never make an appropriate bride. And Cris has secrets which could tear them apart before they've even begun! Yet for the first time Cris is tempted to ignore his duty...and claim Tamsyn as his own!

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Crispin de Feaux, Marquess of Avenmore finds himself at sea and struggling to get to land. Trying to outpace his problems didn't work and now he's in trouble, but he's rescued by Tamsyn Perowne whose husband was a smuggler. He's intrigued by her but she would be an unsuitable bride, his head can acknowledge this but his heart is saying differently and he's conflicted. He also finds that she heeds his help, but will only accept it on her terms.

Smart and funny I enjoyed it.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 July, 2016: Finished reading
  • 13 July, 2016: Reviewed