Twisted Fate by Norah Olson

Twisted Fate

by Norah Olson

Told from separate viewpoints, unfolds how sisters Sydney and Ally Tate's relationship changes as they get involved with their new neighbor, Graham, an artist with a videocamera who has a mysterious--and dangerous--past.

Told from separate viewpoints, sisters Sydney and Ally's relationship changes as they get involved with their new neighbor, Graham. The plot contains profanity and social exploitation, including child abuse.

Reviewed by anastasia on

2 of 5 stars

Full Review on my blog!

I was going to give this a 3.5 Stars... but.... I think that's tooo generous.

I don't even know where to begin...

Okay, I can understand what the author was trying to get at, and I'll admit it definitely had me hooked at first, but it was very poorly written. It left me confused, really, really confused... I feel like it wasn't planned out at all, so many things did not connect, and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I just don't even know.

This book has so much potential but was executed poorly. Creepy boy next door, messed up sister, bad parents . . . but no... All the cliches and stereotypes had to be written.

One thing that was just ughhhhh, was the different POVs. I swear there are like 8? Maybe more POVs, it was honestly hard to follow, I had to keep going back to the beginning of the chapter to see who's POV I was reading... Yes, it's THAT bad.

We hardly spent any time inside one character's mind before we cut to someone else talking about something completely unrelated. It became hard to even follow the story, never mind care about the individuals themselves. We got POVs from Allyson, Sydney, Graham, Becky, Declan, Kim, the guidance counsellor Richards, email 'chapters' of Graham's dad emailing Dr Adams (Graham's therapist) and the local police chief. Sooooo, I guess 9 POVs!! That's a lot...was it really necessary though?? POVs are great but this many is just a mess....

The sisters, Allyson and Sydney. Were they really sisters? OR just one, with some kind of split personality?

I totally saw the "I'm one and the same person" with these two, especially when the sisters were never around the same people. And when Graham got confused when he was talking to her and she corrected him on her "sisters" name, then said, yeah, okay. But was Tate diagnosed split personality? I mean, she must have, right? Why would she be Allyson one minute and Sydney the next? Was it because she was left alone so often when she was younger that she created another sibling to keep her company? It is her imaginary friend/sister? So many questions!
BUUUT at the end with the Police report really confirms my suspicions. Allyson Sydney Tate it says. And it refers to her as 'Tate' which, Allyson usually went by, but skip a few lines and it refers to her as Sydney, and was talking about how she liked to skateboard and such.

This is just a big mess... I can't even.

The ending was a big disappointment.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 January, 2018: Finished reading
  • 28 January, 2018: Reviewed