Storm from the East by Joanna Hathaway

Storm from the East (Glass Alliance, #2)

by Joanna Hathaway

Part war drama, part romance, Storm from the East is the second installment in Joanna Hathaway’s epic Glass Alliance series

War has begun, and the days of Athan’s and Aurelia’s secret, summer romance feel a world away.

Led by Athan’s father, the revolutionary Safire have launched a secret assault upon the last royal kingdom in the South, hoping to depose the king and seize a powerful foothold on the continent. Athan proves a star pilot among their ranks, struggling to justify the violence his family has unleashed as he fights his way to the capital—where, unbeknownst to him, Aurelia has lived...

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Reviewed by tweetybugshouse on

4 of 5 stars

The Glass Alliance series is a mind field of political war fare and at the heart of it are two people who are desperately in love with each other. The harshness of the truth is neither really knows the truth about the other.
In this second book the real education begins as Aurelia and Athan face the realities of this political war that their parents are waging. Their like pawns that have no idea the harshness and cruelty that war can ravage upon us. In the first book we got the geopolitics of this world and in this second book we are now in the midst of war that author paints in vast detail. If your not a fan of political war knowledge driving the story this may not be the book series for you.
I admits going into this series i was expecting something much different, but once i got into the meat and potatoes of what brewing in this story i was good. Politics stay at the personal level as we follow the Dakar's, in all their dark glory, making war a family business. As Aurelia plays her part trying to show the world their more beyond fighting this war and that what we been shown may not always be true. Their a lot to unpack in this series and took me over 6 days to wade my way through this novel. It a mind field of details and is on its way to an epic conclusion.
This series builds on each book as it goes along the ending will leave you with a tingling suspicion that this is just a stepping stone to something grander waiting to be unfolded.

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  • 1 February, 2020: Finished reading
  • 1 February, 2020: Reviewed