Snake Typhoon! by Billie Jones

Snake Typhoon!

by Billie Jones

Move over Lara Croft, there’s a new action hero in town!

When unseasonable weather hits the sunshine city of Brisbane, a freak typhoon terrorizes the citizens. It’s not just any typhoon though, it’s a snake typhoon! And the deadliest snakes in Australia, with venomous fangs are flying straight for Kez.

Kez is the new girl in the office and she’s desperately fighting to prove herself, but what’s a girl to do when faced with a typhoon of snakes coming straight for her helicopter?

These flying diabolical snakes will stop at nothing to kill their victims and Kez only has one option: Figure out how to stop a snake typhoon and save the world… or die trying!

Reviewed by stressedrach on

5 of 5 stars

Snake Typhoon! is a short and fun read. It reminded me of Indiana Jones cross with the late Steve Irwin but in girl styles with a wicked sense of humor in it to mix it all up. I loved the way the characters were described by Kez and they all turned out to be totally different from her perception of them.

With the deadliest snakes in Australia flying around it a tornado getting closer and closer, hitting the helicopter will Kez be able to save the day? Read it to find out.

I read this on the way to the hospital I knew it was a parody and wanted something that would be funny to keep me from stressing about my appointment, it definitely did that I was laughing most of the way there.

Great read, and well written.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 February, 2014: Finished reading
  • 3 February, 2014: Reviewed