Reviewed by Rowena on

4 of 5 stars

Watching Hannah come into her own was great fun. At the end of the book, I could really see the progress that Hannah made in being okay with her imperfections and with her feelings with her father and standing up to her Mom. I also liked the resolution with Jude that came about. That ending scene with her family and him? Swoon. I loved it. I loved seeing Hannah grow and I loved seeing Jude come into his own as well. I really liked both of their characters and want to read The Boyfriend Thief to find out what happened with Avery. And Elliott.

This was a really cute book, one that is perfect for summer reading. I thought Norris shined in this one and I will definitely be recommending this book to my daughter as well as my nieces because I think this is something they’d enjoy.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 21 October, 2013: Reviewed