Beneath the Sugar Sky by Seanan McGuire

Beneath the Sugar Sky (Wayward Children, #3)

by Seanan McGuire

Beneath the Sugar Sky, the third book in McGuire's Wayward Children series, returns to Eleanor West's Home for Wayward Children in a standalone contemporary fantasy for fans of all ages. At this magical boarding school, children who have experienced fantasy adventures are reintroduced to the "real" world.

When Rini lands with a literal splash in the pond behind Eleanor West's Home for Wayward Children, the last thing she expects to find is that her mother, Sumi, died years before Rini was even conceived. But Rini can’t let Reality get in the way of her quest – not when she has an entire world to save! (Much more common than one would suppose.)

If she can't find a way to restore her mother, Rini will have more than a world to save: she will never have been born in the first place. And in a world without magic, she doesn’t have long before Reality notices her existence and washes her away. Good thing the student body is well-acquainted with quests...

A tale of friendship, baking, and derring-do.

Warning: May contain nuts.

Reviewed by layawaydragon on

5 of 5 stars

A-fucking-mazing as always. It's so impressive how much is packed in this small package and it's all fantastic five star content.

But I must say, as a fat girl that's always been fat, fuck all you assholes raging on Cora with all the fatphobic bullshit. There doesn't have to be a big happy "I love me the way I am" moment all spelled out for you for it to be meaningful. When the whole world and everyone in it puts your weight before you, you start thinking like they do. It highlights how damaging it is and makes you sabotage yourself. Cora relaxes and grows and starts shedding the toxic fatphobic bullshit because the Wayward Children don't give a shit about her weight. It's something every fat person I've known wants. It's included here and beautiful. We're not some inspiration porn for you, FFS. So again, fuck you.

Notes While Listening:
>>Starts with Children's Clapping Rhyme 'Confection' = Amazing!
>>CADE! Christopher! Eleanor! Everyone!!
>>Oh yeah. Good point...
>>Cora, the new girl. Fat. Mermaid. Green & blue hair but when it fades, she's stuck.
>>Yay Cora hasn't been fatshamed there 💙
>>More worlds!!
>>Nadia is missing her arm from the elbow down. Born in Russia & adopted to YT Americans.
>>Poor turtle!
>>Damn. Damn. Damn.
>>Nicely done, Cade.
>>Oh NO!!
>>"choosing the more entertaining idea of hurting eyes" lol
>>LOL Remi. Sex positive, blunt, and unashamed.
>>Awww, Chris in the basement.
>>OH SHIT!!!!
>>Awwwwwww Cade.
>>Of course she came.
>>Lol Cora. 💙
>>"Funny, that's where I keep my bones."
>>"Still missing the squishy bits"
>>"We have her ghost, not her shadow or heart."
>>I did not see that coming.
>>"I didn't invite stupid causality to my birthday party, it doesn't get to give me a gift."
>>"Oh, like you're attracted to girls for their pretty kidneys!" LOL
>>"No one promised me a happy ending. No one even promised me a happy existence."
>>Awwww Laylah!
>>Yep, saw that. Good.
>>*gasp*...*sigh in relief
>>I NEED MORE. MORE. MOAR. MOAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 19 August, 2017: Reviewed