Somebody Up There Hates You by Hollis Seamon

Somebody Up There Hates You

by Hollis Seamon

Chemo, radiation, a zillion surgeries, watching my mom age twenty years in twenty months: if that's part of the Big Dude's plan, then it's pretty obvious, isn't it? Somebody Up There Hates You. SUTHY has landed me here in this hospice, where we -- that's me and Sylvie -- are the only people under 30 in the whole place, sweartogod. But I'm not dead yet. I still need to keep things interesting. Sylvie, too. I mean, we're kids, hospice-hostages or not. We freak out visitors. I get my uncle to sneak me out for one insane Halloween night. Stuff...Read more

Reviewed by elvinagb on

4 of 5 stars

If you loved TFIOS, I would guess you would love this book too. Full of wonderful characters and a great story.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 14 September, 2013: Reviewed