Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

Lord! I didn't think things could possibly get worse for Linc and Tally, but Katherine Owen proved me wrong. In the worst way.

The third book in the Truth in Lies series was a test of emotional grit for me. Linc and Tally have never had anything easy in their relationship. Their demons, the emotional barriers they put up and the other people they let in between them often derail their faith in each other and their relationship more times than they don't. I thought with their wedding at the ending of book 2, maybe they'd finally get their act together. WRONG! They're forced to deal with the ultimate test of their relationship and, at times, fail miserably. As their relationship is ripped through the ringer, we're right there with them. I spent a lot of time wanting to slap or hug Tally and/or Linc. And I truly wondered if they were ever going to figure out how to balance their important careers with their equally important family life. But in the ugliest fashion ever, this couple proved why I've re-read the first two books twice in the last few months. Despite how emotionally stunted both of them are, they are a couple who are worth it. Worth the love they have for each other, if they could only both learn to love themselves and accept each others faults. We finally get that with this book and when I got to "The End" I truly believed this couple would have their happily ever after.

TELL ME SOMETHING TRUE is a tough, tough read. Katherine Owen rips readers through an emotional roller coaster of lies, devastation, and the fortitude to believe love will conquer all.

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  • 22 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 22 October, 2015: Reviewed