Dangerous Refuge by Elizabeth Lowell

Dangerous Refuge

by Elizabeth Lowell

Murder and mystery spark unexpected romance in this captivating new tale from New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Lowell Tanner is a hard-edged, big-city cop come home to the historic Davis family ranch to settle his uncle's estate. Shaye Townsend works for an environmental conservancy that acquires and protects old ranches-and she wants to preserve the Davis homestead. When the suspicious death of Tanner's uncle at his ranch throws the two opposites together, tempers flare and sparks fly. While they have trouble seeing eye-to-eye, Shaye and Tanner agree on one thing: They need to uncover the truth. Combining their unique skills, the unlikely pair share long nights in the pursuit of justice. Before they know it, the friction they generate turns to heat, igniting a love neither ever expected to find. And when Shaye becomes a killer's target, Tanner realizes he'd give up anything to protect her-including his life.

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

3 of 5 stars

Lowell did an excellent job of creating strong, likable characters and giving them voice. Tanner is rough around the edges but tall, dark and sexy. He is somewhat jaded from years on the force, and family disputes. Lets just say he lacks charm when on the case. I liked him, and we caught glimpses of his softer more vulnerable side. Shayne is sweet, smart and believes in what she does. Her contacts allow them entry into this small rural town as they move to discover the truth.As Tanner ruffles feathers she smooths them over. It was fun to watch. Suspects and a hokey sheriff kept things interesting.

Dangerous Refuge weaved a clever murder mystery with an interesting twists and colorful players. While I liked our hero and heroine I just didn’t connect on the romance. Tanner and Shayne were fleshed out, and I wanted them to solve the case and find their slice of happy. Initially, I felt their attraction but whether it was from lack of heat, or insta-love I just didn’t get all gooey for them. It is an element I missed. However, the mystery was intense and interesting which helped to keep this from falling flat for me. Lowell did a wonderful job of bringing this rural farm town to life from the scenic views to the colorful townsfolk.

Copy received in exchange for unbiased review​. Full review originally published @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer​

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  • 26 December, 2013: Finished reading
  • 26 December, 2013: Reviewed