Reviewed by Baroness Book Trove on

5 of 5 stars

All I got to say is WOW! Melissa Hanson just gave us a really good book and one in my opinion that touched at least four gripping things in my mind. There is a car accident/survivor's guilt, romance, friendships, and high school. I am going to be giving this book five butterflies because Melissa A. Hanson knows how to make a story so realistic and well written that you believe that you are there with the characters and are seeing them go through all these different emotions that you can’t help but encourage in your head for the characters to keep going to not give up.

The first gripping thing that Melissa incorporated into her novel is the car accident/survivor's guilt. The main character that we get introduced to is Bailey and she has had to deal with the aftermath of the car accident that killed her parents and then slowly killed her younger siblings. Which leads to her having survivor's guilt and not really moving on from the accident. I feel bad for Bailey since she had been dealing with the survivor's guilt for two years before she was able to get over it slowly but surely.

The second gripping thing that Melissa incorporated into her novel is the romance. Now this was weaved into it slowly and it was kind of cool to see it blossom for these two throughout the story. The main romance in the story is of Bailey and Collin. Those two throughout the book made me feel so happy for them at least until Collin's friend Savannah came into the picture. That is all I am going to say about that. Collin and Bailey preserved through it and came out stronger than ever by the time Bailey graduated the next year.

The third gripping thing that Melissa incorporated into her novel is the friendships. This is a big thing between Bailey, Natasha, and Mia in the beginning because those three have been friends since Bailey first arrived two years ago. Natasha and Mia where friends a little bit longer and when Bailey came to Riverview they took her under their wing. This friendship was the first of many that started to help Bailey recover. Her second friendship happens to be with the little boy that she is babysitting named Riley. Well not only him but his mom. I think the reason for that is because with the help of Bailey Riley's mom was able to recover from losing Riley's mom to the war. Plus it gave Riley someone to play with.

The fourth and last gripping thing that Melissa incorporated into her novel is the high school. To me, and I'm only twenty-two, I feel like high school for any teenager especially one dealing with survivor's guilt from being the only one to survive in a car accident, to the romance that you might lose because you are insecure, to the friendships that you have and one that is also a job takes a toll on someone. Even more so when it's your last year of high school and you have just a whole lot of stuff to do. I don't think anyone really realizes the amount of stress you go through with anything during your four years of high school until you go through it.

I think that Melissa A. Hanson has done a wonderful job with this book and I can't wait to read the next book and any others that she might put out from the Riverview series. A Healing Heart by Melissa A. Hanson in my opinion deserves having a five butterfly rating.

Anyways until the next time enjoy this book review brought to you by

Baroness’ Book Trove.


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  • 3 November, 2015: Reviewed