Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

Sadie Long has known Paul for ten years. Of those ten years, she wanted him, thinking the only thing she could ever have was his friendship.

Paul's feeling for Sadie changed a while ago, but he never had the nerve to do anything about those feelings, until his friend Josh planted the seed. So when an opportunity arises to hire Sadie's catering company for an event at Josh's club, Paul jumps on the chance to put his seduction of Sadie into action.

Josh owns Maverick, a sex club, where is hosting a private party for select members. With Sadie catering the event, Paul is given the perfect opportunity to rouse Sadie's wicked fantasies and make them come true. His wildest dreams never included sharing Sadie with his best friend Josh.

This was a short, HOT read. My only issue was I felt that once Sadie gave into her fantasy and had sex with Paul and Josh, the whole Josh storyline was left hanging. The author tried to tie it up nicely at the ened with Paul's explanation that Josh was his best friend and while they may have done what they did with Sadie a time or two, it was never like it was with her. That explanation left it out there to make you wonder if maybe, should the story have been a little longer, something more would have developed between the three of them.

Quick, hot, menage read that will definitely leave you wishing for more!

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  • Started reading
  • 1 November, 2011: Finished reading
  • 1 November, 2011: Reviewed