Reviewed by Baroness Book Trove on

5 of 5 stars


Hadley inherited a lighthouse from a grandmother she never knew. Great, right?

Witchin’ USA by Amanda M. Lee and Narrated by Angel Clark was such a remarkable book. I loved being able to listen to it while doing my chores or other things around the house. It was really great. I loved all the characters in it, and the description of the scenery in the book made me believe I was there with Hadley.

The Main Character

The main character in this book is named Hadley Hunter who just moved to Moonstone Bay Island, Florida because of an inheritance from her grandmother May Potter. The story is from Hadley's point of view. She is a pretty relatable character. Hadley has discovered her Mom's whole family is still alive and she wants to get to know them. Of course, by going to this island, she is finding lots of things that she wishes she didn't know too.

A few of the things that I like about Hadley is that she doesn’t fall for some of the stories that the islanders tell her. However, they don't fabricate everything they say to her. She should believe some of the stuff. Another thing that I like is that she doesn’t put up with either Booker or Gavin’s flirting with her. Although, she may flirt a little too. She takes what she learns in stride and either believes them or thinks that they are all losing their minds.

The things that I dislike about her is the fact that she doesn’t think that her father could do anything wrong when it came to raising her and letting her decide what she needed to know. I also dislike that she comes up with the ridiculous things about what might have happened between her and Gavin.

Who is the Love Interest

I’m not technically sure who Hadley's love interest is yet. Even though all cozies go with the love interest being a cop, it makes sense that is who Hadley's love interest should be. Granted this is the first book, and we shouldn’t assume. I like to consider though and make predictions about stuff like this. Plus the way they acted it seems to me that Gavin is Hadley’s love interest.

What I liked about Gavin is the fact that he knows that he is hot and uses it on Hadley. Although, Hadley isn’t always affected by his charms. He is still there for her, but she doesn’t really think of him coming to rescue her. He is also very considerate of her feelings and how much she can handle about the island's inhabitants.

The thing that I don’t like about him is that he is overly confident in himself. He considers himself to be very sexually appealing to every girl. The other thing I didn’t like about him is he laughs about some of the things that Hadley says, like when she is trying to be serious and not get too overloaded by things that the town has given her to think about it.

The Villain

I can’t exactly say who the villain is since that will be a total spoiler. Instead, I can give you a list of who I think the villain was when I was listening to it. They are:

  • Mark Santiago,

  • Sarah Santiago,

  • Wesley Potter,

  • Ned who is a family lawyer for Hadley’s grandma,

  • and Booker a guy who is the Jack of all trades for the island.

The Narrator

Angel Clark is the narrator for this book, and I have to say she had me laughing throughout the whole book. She is very talented at reading out loud on audible. I loved the different voices she was using for the girls and guys that Hadley met. Even Hadley’s voice at times was pretty funny. I loved Ms. Clark reading. I felt like I was there experiencing all of it with Hadley. It was pretty cool but also pretty terrifying at some points.

Five Stars

Witchin’ USA by Amanda M. Lee and narrated by Angel Clark was such a great book. Well, I really enjoyed listening to the book. I am still giving this book five stars, and it was so worth it, both the story and the narration. I had no clue who was the villain of this book until Hadley discovered who it was. I have to say that Witchin’ USA definitely kept me entertained and thinking about this book. I so totally recommend this book to anyone that loves a cozy witch mystery books. Witchin’ USA is that outstanding.

Anyways until the next time enjoy this review brought to you by




This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove

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  • 13 August, 2018: Finished reading
  • 13 August, 2018: Reviewed