Before the War by Fay Weldon

Before the War (Spoils of War, #1)

by Fay Weldon

A novel of love, death and aristocracy in twenties London.

Consider Vivien in November 1922. She is twenty-four, and a spinster. She wears fashionably droopy clothes, but she is plain and – worse – intelligent. Fortunately, Vivien is rich, so she can bribe a man to marry her. What nobody knows is that Vivien is pregnant, and will die in childbirth in just a few months...

Reviewed by jamiereadthis on

2 of 5 stars

I’m on a roll, ditching books that can’t keep my interest, however clever they may be. I have way too many interesting ones stacked up to read.

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  • 23 April, 2019: Reviewed