The Summer of Chasing Mermaids by Sarah Ockler

The Summer of Chasing Mermaids

by Sarah Ockler

After a boating accident takes her voice, Elyse d'Abreau leaves her home in Tobago to stay in an Oregon seaside town, where Christian Kane, a notorious playboy, challenges her to express herself and to overcome her fear of the sea.

Reviewed by Angie on

3 of 5 stars

I received an ARC through Edelweiss.

Of course I was super excited for The Summer of Chasing Mermaids. I mean, it's a contemporary retelling of The Little Mermaid, with an interracial romance! Elyse has left her home in Tobago because it holds too many painful memories of what she lost. She just can't breathe there, so she heads to Atargatis Cove, Oregon to stay with her aunt and cousin. While there she gets caught up in a plan to save the cove from commercial development, finds her voice, and finds true love.

The Summer of Chasing Mermaids was definitely unique and interesting. I don't think I've read a book that focused so heavily on sailing and seaside tourism before. Christian's (the love interest) father and the mayor make a bet for the upcoming pirate regatta. If Christian wins, he gets the mayor's boat. If he loses, Christian's father must sell the houses to the development project. Well, no one wants to give up their summer homes. The cove is full of happy memories, so Christian is determined to win. Elyse has the sea in her blood, so she becomes his first mate and helps him get his boat race ready. While this was a unique plot, I can't say that I full cared. This whole bet business seemed silly, and I didn't believe for a second that Christian's father would stick to his word, so it was kind of a waste of their time.

What I did really love about The Summer of Chasing Mermaids was the challenging of gender roles! Of course, Christian's father takes issue with Elyse being first mate. He thinks she should stick to the mermaid parade because she's a woman. Well, Elyse is having none of that! She knows the sea and she knows boats; she's racing! Then there's the matter of Christian's little brother, Sebastian. He wants to march in the mermaid parade, but his father says no because he's suppose to be a man! And the parade coordinators say no because he's suppose to be with the boys in the pirate parade! I was actually quite surprised that my favorite part would be centered around a child, but Sebastian is wise beyond his years. He's six, so he doesn't know that he's making a statement about gender roles. He just knows that he's the only one who believes in mermaids, so he should be allowed to participate!

I also really enjoyed the romance. It's not insta-love at all. Elyse and Christian work side-by-side for weeks. There's definitely an attraction there and some kissing. They get to know each other super well over the course of the story. Even though Elyse can't speak, she opens up to him in ways she hasn't with anyone since the accident. Christian is just as open with her. Then things get sexy!

I did really enjoy The Summer of Chasing Mermaids. It did feel long at times, since I wasn't fully invested in this community project to save the Cove. I wanted to see more of Elyse rediscovering herself and of course, the romance! I am curious about what comes after the ending though. It just kind of ends. I assume things work out for the better, but maybe they don't and plans change? I don't know. It felt hopeful to me though.

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  • 7 May, 2015: Finished reading
  • 7 May, 2015: Reviewed