Effortless by S. C. Stephens


by S. C. Stephens

After being caught in the middle of a love triangle which led to a devastating betrayal, Kiera pledged to learn from the mistakes she'd made. She was determined to never again inflict that kind of pain on anyone, especially the soulful, talented man who held her heart. But life offers new challenges for every relationship, and when Kiera's love is put to the ultimate test, will it survive? Love is easy . . . trust is hard.

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

I have to say, after reading Thoughtless, I wasn't sure if I could take much more drama from Kiera and Kellan. To say I was pleasantly surprised by the changes in both characters is an understatement.

Kiera and Kellan's relationship did not start under the most ideal circumstances (those being Kiera cheated on her college sweetheart, Denny, with Kellan who happened to be Denny's childhood friend and their landlord). The three months they spent apart at the end of Thoughtless and the fact that they still lived separately have helped them build a somewhat solid foundation. But life and Kellan's music career soon puts the foundation to the ultimate test. As Kellan tours the country, both of their insecurities rear their ugly heads and both of them have to prove their as good as their words.

Effortless wasn't as full of the emotional angst that we have with Thoughtless. I think that's because of how much Kiera had to grow up and learn to deal with life. While she's made great strides, you could see those insecurities popping up from time to time. However, it's how she chose to deal with those insecurities that proved just how much she'd grown. For example: when she learned Kellan was going to be touring the country for six months, instead of breaking down and demanding he stay with her (which is what she wanted to do) she put him first and encouraged him to follow his dream...no matter how much it killed her. While she didn't always make the wisest choices on when to share certain tidbits of information with Kellan and sometimes did pull out the very childish "he didn't tell me, so I won't tell him", she made great strides in blossoming into a woman who will be able to support her man . She finally got it into her head that despite how many women Kellan may have been with before, he was hers...always.

Then there is Kellan. If I wasn't already in love with him, this book would have had me falling head over heels. Kellan was very aware of Kiera's feelings and just what triggers resulted in the two of them going through what the did the previous year. When the band's chance to tour came up, he was reluctant to purposefully put their relationship under that same situation because he knew, first hand, what happened the last time. But he had faith in their love. He also had lingering doubt, knowing what he did, but he chose to believe their love was meant to be. He made sure Kiera knew exactly how he felt in little notes and gifts he left practically all over Seattle for her. Things weren't perfect, especially when he thinks Kiera is lying to him about her faithfulness, but he knows who he needs by his side to make him happy and to force him to take a look at what he really needs in life.

I loved Effortless because the tone of the relationship between Kellan and Keira changed to that of a more mature couple. Instead of screaming matches and stomping away after every argument with vows to never be with the other again, they both worked towards discussing and fixing whatever was wrong. They were much more focused on each other and that person's needs, rather than their own. I loved their growth and how that translated into a solid relationship. I can't wait to see what the finale, Reckless, brings us in the spring. LA here we come....

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  • 8 November, 2012: Finished reading
  • 8 November, 2012: Reviewed