The Duke Can Go to the Devil by Erin Knightley

The Duke Can Go to the Devil (Prelude to a Kiss)

by Erin Knightley

In the new novel from the bestselling author of The Baron Next Door, May Bradford isn't afraid to play devil's advocate when it comes to a duke . . .

After her mother's death, May's sea captain father sends her halfway around the world to live with his stodgy sister in England. The summer festival in Bath made for a lovely distraction, but now she can't wait for her father's return so she can leave behind this country, its suffocating rules and - in particular - one infuriatingly proper nobleman.

Because he is the Duke of Radcliffe, William Spencer's...

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Reviewed by Amanda on

4 of 5 stars

A wonderful, light romance I needed. #insixwords

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  • Started reading
  • 25 November, 2017: Finished reading
  • 25 November, 2017: Reviewed