Night Vision by Yasmine Galenorn

Night Vision (Indigo Court, #4)

by Yasmine Galenorn

Eons ago, vampires tried to turn the dark Fae in order to harness their magic, only to create a demonic enemy more powerful than they could have imagined. Now, even with Myst, the Queen of the Indigo Court, temporarily out of action, the new Queens of the Golden Wood find themselves facing incredible danger…

Destined to become the Fae Queens of Winter and Summer, Wind Witch Cicely and her cousin, Rhiannon, are eager to assume their roles and marry the loves of their lives. But while Myst hides in the shadows, seeking to regroup her forces, another danger is lurking closer. Renegade vampires Geoffrey and Leo manage to free the Blood Oracle and set him upon New Forest, Washington. Not satisfied with wreaking havoc on the town, Leo ups the ante by kidnapping Rhiannon. Now, Cicely must lead her forces in a bloody battle to save her cousin before everything they’ve worked for crumbles to dust.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

I was hooked the moment I started this series. I was fascinated by the work that was created, But as I read through each book, it fascinated me even more with the characters, and storyline. This one did not disappoint. It's got some wild twists and turns in it, that keeps you salivating for more. And Grive he's the most understanding, most patient being in the world. It's going to be an epic book for the finally of this series.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 18 October, 2013: Reviewed