In this updated version of Greek mythology, Hades, King of the Underworld, tells how a gawky teen Cupid fell in love with the mortal Psyche and what really happened when he kidnapped her.
A interesting retelling of the Cupid and Psyche myth where Cupid is actually a pimply faced teenager god going through his awkward stage. I didn't like this one as much as the previous books - mainly because the Furies didn't make a very big appearance and I wasn't all that fond of Cupid or Psyche - but I like the lighthearted narration and the masterful way McMullan weaves in modern references. I liked the use of the nursery rhymes in her tasks - (show spoiler)[ The Ants Go Marching and “‘Baa-baa Rambow, have you any wool?’ ‘Yes, Psyche! Yes, Psyche! Three bags full.’ ‘May I snip some wool, sir?’ the hopeful Psyche asked. ‘To give Aphrodite and so complete this task?’”
McMullan, Kate. Nice Shot, Cupid! (Myth-O-Mania Book 4) (p. 128). Capstone Press. Kindle Edition. ] (hide spoiler) I laughed out loud at this line;
“Oh, Tartarus!” (that’s old Greek speak for %#!@) I exclaimed.