Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

3 of 5 stars

I'm a sucker for books that are second chances or the characters knew each other beforehand. These are probably the only instances where I love and need the angst. There were things I loved and some moments where it was quite high school, but overall I enjoyed the story and the both of them together.

Thankfully, I started writing this review on my phone as I was reading. I'm a night reader, which is probably the worst because sometimes I forget a lot of my thoughts during the moments I'm reading.

If you were to get snippets of this book, it would be no dice and you probably wouldn't read it all. You'd never get the full understanding of all the pain and anger that lies with Brett and Lani.

What happened to them in their teenage lives altered their lives completely. Lani was so heartbroken to the point where she up and moved and never returned until 8 years later! Not a single good-bye. Brett went through his dark phase and pointed his finger at one person for the cause of it.

From page one, we tip toe around the great mystery that became the fall of these two former best friends. What the hell happened? Having Lani portray him as a decent guy while trying to shed his asshole persona, we slowly peel the layers and get glimpses of the decent human being that he use to be. All while Lani tries so hard to keep her steel walls up from ever letting Brett in again, but of course, he slowly diffuses her defenses.

As a teenager, having that first love and broken heart, I definitely would have felt that same way as Lani did. At that age. Shoot, I've been there and I'm sure most of us have. Being a teenage girl, I sure knew how to hold a grudge, but eventually I grew up and got over that petty crap. So, teenage Lani, I know exactly where you're coming from. But 8 years of grudging, that's a tad bit too much.

As a whole, I loved Lani, hearing about how she was in the past in comparison to adult Lani, she grew into an amazing woman. Those first moments when Lani and Brett come face to face after 8 years, she lights his ass on fire with her comebacks! Girl can hold it down and refuses to let anyone BS her. However, Brett totally deserved, he is a major douche for a while until we start learning the truth. The banter between these two are the best, you'll love it!

Overall, I truly did enjoy the book. I kind of wished the high school drama wasn't a part of this and had a stronger reason for them being mad at each other for so long. And The Thing wasn't that much of a big deal that I thought it would be.

Goodreads Rating : 3 Stars ( Liked It )
My Rating : 3.75/4 Stars

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  • Started reading
  • 24 January, 2017: Finished reading
  • 24 January, 2017: Reviewed