Reviewed by clairelm on

2 of 5 stars

I finished this book out of sheer willpower and determination not to be beaten. It was predictable and the characters were irritating. In addition, the writing seemed lazy at times and the sense of time in the book was all over the place and difficult to follow.

Despite Katie's attempts to be a strong independent woman, she chases any male that comes near her and is conveniently surrounded at all times by men who can't keep their hands off her.

Tim is a pathetic specimen, he seems to think he has a right to touch women just because he can and takes any form of criticism as rejection.

I thought Lisa and Sarah and the minor characters like the parents and Frances were ok though.

It all wrapped up suddenly and far too conveniently at the end as well. Definitely wouldn't recommend it.

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  • Started reading
  • 6 August, 2014: Finished reading
  • 6 August, 2014: Reviewed