The Beauty of Darkness by Mary E Pearson

The Beauty of Darkness (Remnant Chronicles, #3)

by Mary E Pearson

Lia has survived Venda—but so has a great evil bent on the destruction of Morrighan. And only Lia can stop it.

With war on the horizon, Lia has no choice but to assume her role as First Daughter, as soldier—as leader. While she struggles to reach Morrighan and warn them, she finds herself at cross-purposes with Rafe and suspicious of Kaden, who has hunted her down.

In this heart-stopping conclusion to the Remnant Chronicles trilogy, traitors must be rooted out, sacrifices must be made, and impossible odds must be overcome as the future of every kingdom hangs in the...

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Reviewed by alindstadtcorbeax on

5 of 5 stars

Star Rating: —> 5 Stars

What an exhilarating, twisting, turning, AMAZING journey of a book & satisfying end of a series! Loved this so very much. This is a series that I know will remain close to my heart for a very, very long time.
I love finding series that happen to be “forgotten” YA gems!

This was wonderful, so a big thank you to everyone who recommended it!

I now can say that I wholeheartedly recommend this series as well.

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  • Started reading
  • 2 September, 2020: Finished reading
  • 2 September, 2020: Reviewed