Warlords of the Steppes (Horizon of War, #3) by Hanne
Count Caprioli's Wonderful Adventures at Sea by Yves Sorenson
Forged in Flames (Fires of an Empire Saga, #3) by Jessica Barberi
Claws on the Plain (Kings of War) by James Dunbar
Hordes Of The Brave - Book Two (Hordes of the Brave, #2) by Emmanouil Karamouzis
Threads of Destiny by Rachna Chaudhary
Order by Mark Barber
Together We Stand (The Warrior 2, #8) by Martha Carr and Michael Anderle
Heart of the Mountain (Saga of the Forgotten Warrior, #6) by Larry Correia
Apollo 11 - Die wahre Geschichte by Andreas Märki
Aeterna Bella (Aeterna Chronicles, #1) by Emmanouil Karamouzis
Holy Scrap (Delta Squad, #8) by Jesse Wilson
Mystics (The Chronicle Gate Saga, #5) by N Lang
Arcadiana (The Siren Chronicles - Teluria, #1) by Delia Erisha Schwaiger
Zurück nach Naila ins Jahr 1944 by Klaus Schubert
Hair-Trigger Smile (Hourglass, #3) by Daniel James
Blood Dragon (Book 2) by Micah Johnson
Blood Alone by Mark Miller
Fires of an Empire Books One and Two (Fires of an Empire Saga, #1) by Jessica Barberi
Dog Days (Dog of War Epic, #3) by Dean Kastle
Rags by Dan Sacharow and Daquan Jenkins
An Ending of Oaths (The Shattered Lands, #2) by Travis Starnes
L'Aube des Deux Mondes by Joseph Bernard
Livestock Agents of Colombia Vol. 6 by Mark Ford