An Ending of Oaths (The Shattered Lands, #2) by Travis Starnes
L'Aube des Deux Mondes by Joseph Bernard
Livestock Agents of Colombia Vol. 6 by Mark Ford
A Cold and Mortal Spring by G Scott Huggins
Authority of Rome by J Clifton Slater
Servant of the Vestry (The Sendyne Flintlock Fantasy Chronicles, #2) by Seth Hobbs
Aufstieg der Toten (Einzelgänger Buch 6) (Einzelgänger, #6) by Alex Kosh
A Scythe in the Dark (The Rise of the Scythe, #3) by Sam Whittaker
Inquisition by Mark R Mazzone
Casa de Lobos (El Curso de la Filacteria, #2) by D F Gallardo
Shadows of the Iron Cross by James Blackwood
Empires Ghost by Stephan Grundy
Livestock Agents of Colombia Vol. 2 by Mark Ford
Wind and Truth (Stormlight Archive, #5) by Brandon Sanderson
Jack Scarlet (The Frosted Void, #1) by S Samuel T
A Monsoon Rising (The Hurricane Wars Trilogy, #2) by Thea Guanzon
Skaventide (Warhammer: Age of Sigmar) by Gary Kloster
The City of Mist and Tears by Alex Robins
Echoes of the Tomb by M Tobias Harris
Cliffs of Wayward by Veronica King
Temple General (Power Ascending, #7) by Paul J Bennett
Raven Rock (Spark City Cycle) by Robert J Power
Hordes of the Brave (Hordes of the Brave, #1) by Emmanouil Karamouzis
Hordes Of The Brave - Book One (Hordes of the Brave, #1) by Emmanouil Karamouzis