Originally posted on my blog Nonstop Reader.
The Second Law: Resolving the Mystery of the Second Law of Thermodynamics is a wide ranging, surprisingly casually presented examination of the second law of thermodynamics by Stephen Wolfram. Released 1st Aug 2023 by Wolfram Media, it's 584 pages and is available in hardcover, and ebook formats.
There is, interestingly, no soft opening; the author jumps directly into the meat of his history with, and self-proclaimed increased understand of, the second law. It's a very graphics heavy volume and readers who have a background in and are comfortable with computational physics and analysis will find the information more accessible than casual readers.
The book's organization is eccentric. There are three main sections: the author's claims and refinements to the understanding of the second law, his personal history with the subject matter over the course of his lifetime (which is full of anecdotes and moderately accessible and fun to read), and a general history of thermodynamics. The length and breadth of the book's reach will mean that few (if any) readers will study it cover to cover. As with most academic works, the detailed table of contents with sub-chapter page locations will allow readers to select relevant info and skip around as needed.
The chapter notes are copious, full of wry and percipient personal recollections and insights. The notes alone are likely worth the price of admission. It's an unconventional text, but readers who are familiar with the author will expect no less. It does come through quite clearly that he's used to being the undisputed brightest bulb in the room. I'm certainly not his intellectual equal, but the distinct self-aggrandizement did surprise me a bit.
Four stars (readers should keep in mind that the subject requires effort). It should be noted that a specialist background will be required to make an informed decision about the veracity of the deeper suppositions and their implications for our understanding of related subjects.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.