Annuario Scientifico Ed Industriale, 1865, Vol. 1
by Francesco Grispigni
Social and Ethical Aspects of Radiation Risk Management (Radioactivity in the Environment)
Social and Ethical Aspects of Radiation Risk Management provides a comprehensive treatment of the major ethical and social issues resulting from the use of ionizing radiation. It covers topics such as nuclear fuel cycles, radioactive waste treatment, nuclear bomb testing, nuclear safety management, stakeholder engagement, cleanup after nuclear accidents, ecological risks from radiation, environmental justice, health and safety for radiation workers, radiation dose standards, the ethics of clinic...
This work gives a broad and detailed overview of charge transport in organic semiconductors. The author discusses strategies for linking the chemical composition and morphology of organic layers to charge carrier mobility and current-voltage characteristics of a device. Concepts for simulation-based predictions of material characteristics are presented starting from chemical structures.
1.1. Themenkreis der Quantenphysik dung auf makroskopische Systeme; Details im Verhalten des Systems werden nicht berucksichtigt, und man ver- 1. In diesem Band unseres Lehrgangs befassen wir uns sucht auch gar nicht, alle Aspekte der Situation in Betracht mit der Physik der Atome, Atomkerne und Elementar- zu ziehen. In diesem Sinne sind die Gesetze der klassischen teilchen. Dabei werden sich uns neue Aspekte in der Be- Physik angenaherte Naturgesetze. Sie sind als Grenzfalle trachtung der Natur...
Die Spezielle Relativitatstheorie M.I.T. Einfuhrungskurs Physik (Uni-Texte)
by Anthony P French
Das Education Research Center am M.1. T. (friiher: Science Teaching Center) bef t sich mit Verbesserungen des Lehrplanes, mit dem Lehr- und Lernproze sowie mit Unterrichtshilfen, vor allem fur die unteren Semester. Das Center wurde im Jahre 1960 yom M.1. T. geschaffen. Sein erster Direktor war der verstorbene Professor Francis L. Friedman. Seit 1961 wurde das Center hauptsachlich von der National Science Foundation unterstutzt; gro ztigige Hilfe wurde auch von den folgenden Fonds gewlihrt: Kette...
The discovery of high-temperature superconductivity [1986] by Bendnorz and Muller in the La-BA-Cu-O system resulted in very extensive research work about the discovery and synthesis of other high-temperature superconductors, such as Y-BA-Cu-O and Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O. These new superconducting materials, possessing superconductivity above liquid nitrogen
Handbook of Materials Characterization
This book focuses on the widely used experimental techniques available for the structural, morphological, and spectroscopic characterization of materials. Recent developments in a wide range of experimental techniques and their application to the quantification of materials properties are an essential side of this book. Moreover, it provides concise but thorough coverage of the practical and theoretical aspects of the analytical techniques used to characterize a wide variety of functional nanoma...
Proceedings of the Twentieth International Cryogenic Engineering Conference (ICEC20)
Proceedings of the 20th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference
The Secret of WHY the Speed of Light Is Constant Finally Unveiled
by Bingcheng Zhao Ph D
Leonhard Euler and the Foundations of Celestial Mechanics (History of Physics)
by Dora Musielak
The intention of this book is to shine a bright light on the intellectual context of Euler’s contributions to physics and mathematical astronomy. Leonhard Euler is one of the most important figures in the history of science, a blind genius who introduced mathematical concepts and many analytical tools to help us understand and describe the universe. Euler also made a monumental contribution to astronomy and orbital mechanics, developing what he called astronomia mechanica. Orbital mechanics of a...
Finite element methods have become ever more important to engineers as tools for design and optimization, now even for solving non-linear technological problems. However, several aspects must be considered for finite-element simulations which are specific for non-linear problems: These problems require the knowledge and the understanding of theoretical foundations and their finite-element discretization as well as algorithms for solving the non-linear equations. This book provides the reader wit...