Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading
Luck was on my side when I received a copy of
Read moreLuck was on my side when I received a copy of Lucky Me by Genevieve Jack for review. Now this being my first time reading the author’s work, I didn’t know what to expect. However, the blurb intrigued and so I dove into the story, hoping to be entertained. It did not disappoint. In Lucky Me, Jack treated her readers to a delightful second chance, forbidden, wrong side of the tracks romance.
Sixteen-year-old pixie, Sophia Larkspur, felt she had no choice but to flee her home in Devashire after a humiliating experience. Since then, for the past sixteen years, she has been hiding out in the human world. However, as an undocumented fae in the human world, she’s not safe and therefore constantly has to be on the move. Her luck in keeping her identity secret from humans ran out, and she found herself in a very dangerous position. However, as luck would have it, she was spared a fate worse than death. However, the rescue came at a price. She would have to return to Devashire and work with her ex, Seven Delaney, in solving a murder.
World Building: Faes live on a magical reservation, independent of the United States and segregated from humans. It was illegal for faes to live among humans. There were several species of Fae living in Devashire, but the ones featured prominently in the story were leprechauns. pixies and satyrs. Of the three, the leprechauns were the ones with the most luck and are in the upper echelons of society. They see the other species as beneath them. Therefore, the idea of one of their kind fraternizing with a pixie or a satyr wouldn’t be welcomed. So Seven and Sophia’s relationship was doomed before it started. There are several unique happenings in this world, but I will let you discover them for yourself.
Murder Mystery: Someone was killing pixies and humans, and Seven and Sophia were tasked with the job of finding the killer. These two worked so well together in their investigation of the murders. There were a few hiccups along the way, which was partly because of history with each other. As they progressed through the investigation, interesting details came to light, some of which were good and some which placed them in dangerous situations. Through it all, they had each other's backs. If only it could spill over into their personal lives. Now it came as no surprise learning the killer’s identity, as they were my number one suspect.
Characters: Seven and Sophia possessed strong qualities. Seven acted differently from other leprechauns. With Sophia as his best friend and the girl with whom he was in love with, his treatment towards the other species spoke volumes. The pain, hurt and betrayal they both experienced leapt from the pages. Learning of the atrocities Seven experienced as a child and because he dared to fall in love with a pixie will probably wreck you.
What I had Issues With
Now I know Sophia was hurting, believing that Seven played a role in her humiliation sixteen years ago. However, sixteen years is a long time to hold on to a grudge. I didn’t like how she treated him, especially knowing he came to her rescue at the time she needed it most. She gave him a hard time and never afforded him the chance to explain his reason for not being where he promised to be sixteen years ago.
The ending took me by surprise and not in a good way. I am not a fan of cliff-hangers but will tolerate if I am aware it’s coming. When I picked up Lucky Me I was not aware that it was part of a duology. So I never expected a cliff-hanger. Therefore at the point when I thought all would be well for the couple, Jack dropped a bombshell that would present further challenges for Sophia and Seven. Now I will have to wait on the release of the second book to learn what the fates have in store for them.
To conclude, Lucky Me is a charming second chance, forbidden romance that will magically transport readers through a sea of emotions as they traverse with the couple on their journey towards happily ever after.
This review was originally posted on Totally Addicted to Reading