Quirky Cat
Have you ever read a single book by an author and decided then and there that you would grab all their books when given a chance? That's what happened to me with Brigid Kemmerer. I'm kind of behind on the game here since I have only read Defy the Night. However, she just started a new series, Forging Silver into Stars, which I do not intend to miss.
Jax and Callyn grew up in a city where magic is banned. Given how few people have magic, this isn't really a concern. Unless you know somebody who died at the hands of magic, it feels personal.
When a magesmith marries the queen and becomes king (in his own right), people begin to talk. Talking turns to plotting; before you know it, even innocent bakers and blacksmiths are caught in the middle of this magical mess.
“If your heart tells you someone deserves your attention, listen to it.”
So I'll confess that I didn't realize Forging Silver into Stars was a spin-off series (based on Cursebreakers). I don't think that knowledge would have stopped me from reading it, though it might have been helpful motivation to get me to read the original series first. Oh well.
This does explain why the magical system felt so complex, alongside many characters and their history. I had wondered why there wasn't more detail on those accounts, but now I understand that it must have been covered in other books. Oops. So maybe don't make the same mistake as me?
Forging Silver into Stars is told mainly through three perspectives: Jax, Callyn, and Tychno (who is from the main series, if I understand correctly). I love how different all three perspectives are, even though they all get wrapped up in the same mess.
As always, there were some perspectives I found more intriguing than others. I don't know if my favorites would have changed depending on whether or not I read the original series. But I don't think so.
It was amazing to see how quickly the politics and motivations of this story turned into something complex and lethal. I love it when it all weaves together so neatly. Overall, I would have to say that this is an excellent start to the series! I'm looking forward to more.
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