Written on Dec 18, 2018
The story starts with a very tough subject of the main characters attempted suicide. It is done in a way that is heart wrenching, not gratuitous but it's also real. Ainsley is hurting from so many things that happened in the past. The fabulous character of Ethan comes along like a knight in shining armor to help save her. Ethan is also struggling with things from his past but despite that, he and Ainsley are drawn to each other. Through their mutual support of one another their lives can continue on. This story is one of showcasing redemption and forgiveness of others and self and ultimately healing. When we finally read why Ethan was so affected by Ainsley's attempted suicide the reader then understands so much more.
This is a hard subject for some to read and may not be for all people, but I feel this whole story is presented in such a good way that it is a must read novel. It's not a totally squeaky clean read as there is a lot of kissing and some intimate moments without anything too steamy. One of my favorite parts of this novel is when the story shifts to Belgium. How wonderful to get insight into somewhere I've never been.
Kudos to this author for being brave enough to write about this topic as her own father lost his life to suicide. There must have been some healing for her being able to write this story. I also loved that the characters were flawed but became so beloved.This story deals with depression, loss, attempted suicide and finding your way back from the depths of despair. I'm glad that we were able to get a second look at Ainsley who appeared in the first book in not a good light. Second chances are a powerful thing and in this novel we see how redemption and starting over can bring light back into ones soul. This book is recommended reading for adults and maybe older teens at a parents discretion. I'm looking forward to the next book in the series.
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