Baroness Book Trove
Written on Jan 16, 2017
The main character is Cameron Coelho. He is a twenty-eight-year-old doctoral student who is working on his dissertation of the Mid-West during the Roaring Twenties. What I like about him is that despite being a very rich young man he acts like a normal college student trying to finish his degree. I also like how he tries to keep his promise to Geoffrey and himself. Cameron overall is a great and wonderful guy who tries to be a good person despite the trouble that finds him in 1925.
What I like about him is that despite being a very rich young man he acts like a normal college student trying to finish his degree. I also like how he tries to keep his promise to Geoffrey and himself. Cameron overall is a great and wonderful guy who tries to be a good person despite the trouble that finds him in 1925.
What I don’t like about Cameron Coelho is that he can be a bit too overprotective especially of Candice once they get together. I don’t know if you call this a dislike but I kind of found it strange that he fell in love with Candice without meeting her in person. This is truly a minor issue for this character, though, as Mr. Heldt has written him so well that he is very three dimensional in my honest opinion.
The second character is Candice Bell. She is a twenty-five-year-old society writer that lives in 1925 Evansville, Indiana. What I like about Miss Bell is that she has many sides to her that even we, the readers, don’t know all of them. We see her Mid-Western hospitality, the way that she acts as if she can do no wrong in front of her mother, along with how she acts tough when following a lead for a story, she is very stubborn when she is trying to do something that she knows is the right thing to do, and among many others. Candice Bell, in my humble opinion, is much like most women back then would have been. Reading about her is like being able to have a sneak peek into their lives back then. What else I liked about Candice is that she seemed to keep Cameron guessing since the first time they meet face to face.
What I like about Miss Bell is that she has many sides to her that even we, the readers, don’t know all of them. We see her Mid-Western hospitality, the way that she acts as if she can do no wrong in front of her mother, along with how she acts tough when following a lead for a story, she is very stubborn when she is trying to do something that she knows is the right thing to do, and among many others. Candice Bell, in my humble opinion, is much like most women back then would have been. Reading about her is like being able to have a sneak peek into their lives back then. What else I liked about Candice is that she seemed to keep Cameron guessing since the first time they meet face to face.
What I dislike about her is the fact that she was writing articles that were putting her in danger. I know that is something that she loves to do but I just can’t believe that she did that. She should have been thinking about might happen if she exposed these secrets, she might get herself into trouble. I also dislike that she couldn’t see who was one of the ringleaders, that she was trying to put away. Good thing that Cameron helped save her.
For the antagonist, I am still having a hard time deciding. At first, I thought it was time itself seeing as how Cameron is from the year 2017 while Candice is from 1925. Then I thought Geoffrey as I remembered that he told Cameron to not save Candice since she was supposed to die in 1925 so his great-great-great grandparents could meet. Seeing as Geoffrey is Candice’s cousin. However, what I liked about Geoffrey is that he is very cautious regarding information about his time machine and who he allowed to use it. I also liked how he willingly helped Cameron.
What I disliked is that he made Cameron promise him to not get involved with Candice. Another thing I disliked about him is that he wanted to be kept in the loop on almost everything that was going on with Cameron in Indiana.
What moved me about this story is Cameron’s determination to save Candice despite Geoffrey telling him not to. I totally loved the settings and the time travel. I felt like I was transported there through his words so I could be there with the characters. My favorite supporting character I think would have to be Geoffrey’s wife. Mostly because she is extremely observant and sees things that no one else does.
Indiana Belle by John A. Heldt is an amazing book. I am giving this book a five butterflies rating since I couldn’t stop thinking about it at all. In my mind, Mr. Heldt is a fantastic writer that can take you to place you never imagined. I also like his way of time travel as it is different than what we are used to seeing/reading about. This is the second book by him that I have read and I can’t wait to read his other books.
Anyways until next time enjoy this book review brought to you by
Baroness’ Book Trove
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