Baroness Book Trove
Can they keep this death a secret or will it ruin the wedding?
Drowning Lessons by Rachel Neuburger Reynolds is an adventure filled murder mystery, with plenty of suspects trapped on an island paradise.
- The way the author breaks up the story into the days that the wedding party are on the island works so well.
- Olivia, the bride, has everyone’s cellphones taken at the beginning of the story works well at isolating the wedding party and guests.
- The island paradise and the way that the islanders are portrayed. I thought it was respectful and genuine.
- The La Guardia is open to allowing our reluctant sleuth to help with the investigation.
- The bridezilla, Olivia, is a wonderfully written narcissistic control freak. Who deserved her groom.
- The whole wedding scheme was outrageous, blood red everything, Goth outfits, a costume party, bats, drinking like a college spring break. It was all so crazy, like that train wreck that you can’t turn away.
- The Slam Book as a wedding planner was so utterly, Olivia.
- Emma is another marvelous character even though she is a lot like Olivia only sad. I felt sorry for her.
Lexi, our sleuth
Lexi is a fabulously flawed character. I love that she is this tall, beautiful woman but doesn’t see it herself. Then there is her whole “Left Behind” thing. I am so glad she figured out that she is better than that. Lexi also has a lot of class, and she handled some things that happen with her head held high. Oh, and Lexi is entirely loyal to her friend, Olivia. Which seems like a remedy characteristic but seriously, you have to read about Olivia to realize what a huge flaw that is.
I think that helping solve this murder let Lexi see who was actually on her side and who was using her. The friends that she makes while doing it also help her grow as an individual.
The mystery is well planned, with lots of motives, plenty of suspects and such an exotic method of murder. I think my favorite part was learning about each of the suspects and how warped they were. Honestly, the first victim was a straight up arse, but he must have had some redeeming qualities. However, the second victim is sweet and is such a loss to society. Kudos to our sleuth and her temporary sidekick for figuring it out and explaining why via a Scooby Doo wrap up.
5 Stars for Drowning Lessons by Rachel Neuburger Reynolds
My rating for Drowning Lessons by Rachel Neuburger Reynolds is five stars. I loved the setting, the mystery is top-notch, the characters are very realistic, yet humorous, and the plot moved well. This series is one that I will be watching.
I highly recommend this book to all the cozy mystery readers out there.
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Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove