Baroness Book Trove
Written on May 11, 2020
Can the Lane family keep themselves safe in 1865?
The Lane Family
The Lane family consists of Mark, Mary, Jordan, Laura, Jeremy, and Ashley. Mark is the developer and the whole reason the Time Boxes exist, and he wants to keep the past the same, so he took his inventions with him to stop his business partner and friend, Robert Devereaux, from using them for his vendetta. Mary is Mark's wife and the one that has done a lot to make sure that the family has what they need to make the jump to 1865 successful. Jordan and the other kids had to decide to follow their dad into the past to keep themselves alive.
What I like about the Lane family is that despite the kids being of different ages and the big age gap between Jeremy and Ashley, they are looking out for the others. Each one is also very different in personalities and how their history up to this point has shaped them. However, will they let those experiences control them?
Ashley is twelve, and the only one whose personality will be shaped by the time jumps. Jeremy is still learning some things, but I don't think it will affect as much. Laura does a lot of figuring out how she will help the family. But will these new experiences change her? Jordan has a military background to help defend the family against whoever Robert sends to get the time boxes back. The parents each have their specialties to support how the family deals with being part of history.
Robert Devereaux
Robert Devereaux is a complex man who has a few sides that he will show to certain people. To the public and the people that work for him, Robert is this successful man who is very charismatic and has just been shunned and humiliated by his business partner. Now to Robert's friends, he shows his true colors by letting them see that he wants to change the world to what he wants it to be. The world, Robert's way, wouldn't be fair. As he wants to change certain things from happening and those closest to him know this.
Robert is an evil man who knows how to cover it up very well. Will his hitman get the time boxes back to him so that he can do his evil deeds? Or will it end badly for him? Those are the two questions that I will be looking for answers to in future installments.
Five Stars
The Lane Betrayal by John A. Heldt has a whole different method of time travel method, and the entire reason why is also different. The Lanes' motivation is to keep their lives. Mr. Heldt has done a fantastic job on this one, and I can't wait to read the upcoming books for this series come. The Lanes' have captured my attention and hope for their survival and possibly for them to somehow go back home.
Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of The Lane Betrayal by John A. Heldt.
Until the next time,
Happy Reading!
This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove