Emma (SCR)
Written on Nov 2, 2014
We begin exactly where the first book left off. Anya is just about to enter Hell. Once she does she realises it's a vast desert land. There is nothing for miles. She doesn't know what to do or how to get out. She's then abducted by Cole who assures her he can help. Anya isn't sure whether to trust him but to be honest she has no alternative, what else is she going to do burn in the desert? Anya goes with Cole who takes her to literally the last place in Hell she want's to go Dahlia's.
This book is full of so many twists and turns that I was at a loss at who to trust. It seemed that everyone had a ulterior motive for trying to help Anya and were just using her for their own personal gain.
All Anya wanted to do was get to Micha. Her forbidden love. He is insistent that they cannot be together. I liked Micha and all I wanted was for the two of them to be together. They go through so much that it feels like they deserve to be happy.
There is a whole host of supporting characters in this book that range from Evil and manipulative to creepy and perverted and of course there's a few good ones thrown in there too.
This is an excellent follow up to the first story and I really hope there's a third.