Written on Mar 14, 2016
This was the perfect ending in my opinion. It was a little sad but then also a little happy. It gave me so many feelings but in the end I decided that they were good feelings because it was a different kind of ending.
So in the first book, I said I didn’t like how the author was switching back and forth between the past and present. After finishing this book I changed my mind. I think I actually really like that style. It made the book feel a little mysterious because we don’t know what happened leading up to the present time. Even our other characters don’t know what was happening.
I was really glad to see that we got to meet even more characters this time. Zach was a surprisingly interesting character and I wished we could have seen more of him. It’s understandable why we didn’t though because he’s meant to be mysterious. Same with another special character who I won’t name because it’s a spoiler. It was interesting that the author brought him into play. Even our regular characters were all great. Josephine went through the most changes in this book and it was a little strange at first. I would have liked to see her end up a little different but her ending was still nice.
My favourite part of this book was easily the ending. I obviously knew some things were going to happen like a fight for control over the city but it was the very end that surprised me. I was suspicious of a spy the whole book, because they keep mentioning it so your guard is up. I didn’t guess the spy until the very, very end which was great because it was pretty obvious. I especially liked the epilogue sort of part. We see a little glimpse of how the city turns out after the big fight but then everyone chooses happiness over duty. I just found it very satisfying to see that even though these characters are fighting for their freedom, they just want change instead of wanting to be the people in charge. I don’t know if any of that made any sense because I’m trying not to spoil anything. Just know it was a different but satisfying ending for a dystopia series.
The parts where we were reading about the past were a little strange this time. In the first book, the past sections were a story leading up to what was happening in the present. This was the case here as well except I found it wasn’t really a story. It was just some events that happened, and they were really strange events. I didn’t really see the purpose of those parts or how they fit into the story. It was just strange that’s all.
I was a little disappointed with the romance in this story. Josephine ended up being very distant from Luke so we didn’t get to see as much of them together as we did in book two. The ending did make up for a lot of my disappointment revolving around this though. Props to the author for distracting me.
I’d recommend this to people who are tired of dystopia books all being the same. This was a nice pick me up for that genre. I was seriously considering dropping it for good. I found that while this story still had all the same qualities as a dystopia book (the world, the rebellion, the final fight), the author still presented them in a unique and refreshing way. I have also never read a new adult dystopia book before so it was really nice having all these characters be the same age as me.