Written on Feb 18, 2017
I really liked Sloane. I liked that she was kinda commitmentphobe about jobs and relationships. She changed men almost as much she changed her underwear (and maybe more). The only serious relationship she had been with Jack, her roommate, best friend and ex boyfriend.
Andy came across as a horndog from the minute he was introduced to Sloane in his office. Not that Sloane helped any with her deliberate leaving up the corset page and then having him look at it. Then he buys them for her with a condition that she wears them for him. But I do like that he held off from actually doing the deed with her, a few times. That he opted to get to know her better. Kinda brought down his perviness a little.
The whole Barbie storyline had me going until the end. When it was revealed who Barbie was, I almost died and I can’t wait until the next book to see where that is going to go. Put it this way, I think Jack would be a great hook up for Barbie….lol!!!!
I also think that I figured out the Andy Jr storyline and if it is what I think it is, well Sloane is going to be proven wrong….haha. The phone conversations alone tipped me off.
The make out scenes with Andy were pretty hot and I can’t wait to see when they actually have sex. It is going to beyond hot.
Like I said, the end of the book was a cliffhanger with a huge surprise. I was kinda taken a back by the surprise and it did hook me into reading the next book.
How many stars will I give Jerk Bait: 4
Why: This book was a balm on my brain after reading a couple of books that dealt with some pretty heavy issues. The characters were quirky but likable and the romance was off the hook steamy. I cannot wait to read the next book.
Will I reread: Yes
Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes
Age range: Adult
Why: Sexual situations and some language
**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**