Written on Apr 11, 2019
The Third Eye starts with Rowan waking up to her grandmother screaming in her bedroom. After waking her up, Rowan is told that she has a gift. She can see in the future and past. She is hit with the news that there is a whole subculture of people like Rowan. Rowan didn’t believe it until she started seeing visions. While she was picking up her possessions from a job that she was fired from. These visions helped save people’s lives, along with her own. But, she makes a powerful enemy. Someone who wants her dead. Can Rowan stay one step ahead of this group? Or will she become a victim?
The main plotline of The Third Eye is Rowan and her dance with her dangerous enemy. I thought that it was well written. The author did a great job of keeping who the bad guy was until the end.
There were a few secondary plotlines. I liked how they added to the plotline. Sometimes the secondary plotlines will take over the main one. Not in this case. These were kept in the background until the author decided to merge them with the main plotline.
I loved Rowan in The Third Eye. For someone who had a whole lot of crap dumped on her, she dealt with it pretty well. I mean, if I went through what she did, I would have been a basket case. I liked how she embraced her gifts. I also liked how she was willing to stand her ground and fight.
I liked Jack. His belief in Rowan was rock solid. I wasn’t surprised that he had powers. I was surprised at what they were. Sometimes, I wish I had those powers. While I understood his anger at Mason, I thought he went a little overboard. He also irritated me at the end of the book.
The secondary characters were awesome. I loved Aislinn, Flynn (I want to know her backstory!!), Gianna, Mason, and Cal. I cannot wait to see who the author pairs together. But, I have a feeling that I know. There were a couple of scenes in the book that made me go “Hmmmm.”
I thought that The Third Eye was a great fit in the paranormal genre. Rowan’s introduction to her second sight was interesting as was her bonding with her Moonstone. I am interested in seeing where this series goes.
I also thought that The Third Eye was a great fit in the romance genre. I will warn everyone; this isn’t a “get to know you” romance. It is an Instalove romance. I am not a fan of Instalove, but but certain storylines need it. And The Third Eye’s is one. Jack and Rowan couldn’t have had a romance if it was any other way.
The sex scenes were steamy!! If it could have, my Kindle’s screen would have steamed up. Jack and Rowan also had significant sexual tension. I saw it right from the beginning. The author did a fantastic job of keeping it going, even after they had sex.
The end of The Third Eye was great. I liked how the author resolved Rowan’s issues. I did a fist pump and said “Yes” when that happened. But even more, I loved the last chapters. All I have to say is that Rowan was right and Jack was a fool. The epilogue has me interested. Because of who and what was introduced. It went well with what Rowan was experiencing. I am wondering how it is going to figure into the next book.
I would give The Third Eye an Adult rating. There is explicit sex. There is violence. There is language. I would recommend that no one under the age of 21 read this book.
I would reread The Third Eye. I would also recommend this book to family and friends.
I would like to thank the author for allowing me to read and review The Third Eye.
**I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book**